Vittoria Wharf residents protest at studio demolition

An image of future Vittoria Wharf. Pic: CMA Planning

An image of future Vittoria Wharf. Pic: CMA Planning

Residents of Vittoria Wharf, Tower Hamlets, have less than a week to voice their opinion about a proposed planning application which would demolish their homes.

In association with Britzel LTD, the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) are revising an application for a mixed-use development at Vittoria Wharf, on Stour Road and Beachy Road in Hackney Wick.

Current residents and local businesses are being encouraged to make their thoughts heard, before October 30th.

The proposed development will involve the demolition of two existing buildings and the erection of a new four to six storey building.

The new buildings will provide 34 residential units as well as commercial floorspace, a cafe, a courtyard space and room for disabled parking.

Collection of Buildings affected. Pic: London Legacy Corporation

Collection of Buildings affected. Pic: London Legacy Corporation

According to LLDC, “the proposal would deliver investment, environmental improvement as well as bringing re-generation in the area.”

The two buildings to be demolished are Hackney Cut, an accommodation space, and Vittoria Wharf Studios, office work spaces and live-in studios.

Conrad Armstrong, 24, a resident in Vittoria Wharf Studios, strongly objects to the proposed demolition of the site.

He said: “Hackney Wick is one of the largest communities of artists, and I believe that it is something that we should be deeply proud of as a city and strive to maintain and nourish.”

As someone renting workspace at Vittoria Wharf, he feels the space is vital to the community.

“Its something that other cities envy in London and would love to recreate as it generates such a huge creative industry, there are enough new luxury apartments being built in areas that were gentrified by artists. Can we please just have this one place to thrive and not be bullied out of.”

Alongside the demolition plans, two buildings are being retained in the area. Stour Space, a converted warehouse for exhibitions and performance and Gatehouse, which provides accommodation as well as workshop space.

In their application, LLDC have maintained that these two buildings would offer their existing residents “affordable long term contracts to help secure their future, making them affordable, creative workspaces.”

They have no further comment on what will happen to the current residents whose homes will be demolished.

However, their report states: “The development provision of 34 new homes, will have a beneficial economic impact on the council’s annual council tax receipts.”

LLDC have told ELL that “this process is out for consultation, and a final decision will be made in due course.”

On the question of what will happen to people currently living in the buildings that are under threat, they said: “It is an on going process, it would be unfair to concern people unless the application goes ahead.”

At present, LLDC have received 23 online comments, leading up to Wednesday’s deadline.

Those wishing to voice their opinions can send an email to:

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