[Video] Assembly candidate Kamran Malik

pic: Raziye Akkoc

Kamran Malik is the founder and leader of the Communities United Party. He spoke to EastLondonLines about his campaign for the London Assembly seat in City and East.



His pledges

• Address social injustice and hold public figures to account

• Take action on high parking charges and business rates

• Address youth unemployment by “harnessing local resources,” for example by reclaiming and making use of empty buildings

• Reduce  fares

“Travel needs to be reduced because it is a big problem for people, they spend a third of what they earn on travel and that’s not good. Something needs to be done in favour of the Londoner not to be penalised by travel fares.”

EastLondonLines asked about his party’s policies and ideas for London including, increasing levels of unemployment, transport fares, and why City and East voters should choose the Communities United Party.

Malik, from Plaistow, is chief executive of KM Legal Advisory Ltd, a company that gives free legal advice in Newham.

He founded the Communities United Party in April 2011, and ran for Mayor of Newham last year. He began his campaign in City and East in November 2011, working with a team of 500 volunteers.

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